Sunday, April 25, 2010


Results = everything??
What class you're in decides how you treat others??
People who have lower grades than other people = failure in life??

I hate people who think they are more superior than the others. What makes them think so? What makes them have the authority to decide that you're a failure because you flunk your exams and should be looked down upon? So what does good results really mean if you're a stuck up, arrogant asshole that despise others just because they're not as clever as you? I really hate those people. People who have no care for other people's feelings, who'll just utter words that hurt others just to make themselves feel good.

I truly believe that people who made it in life need not to be people with excellent results, but he or she must had been a person with awesome character. Always encouraging people not bring people down, helping people when they need help and not criticising the person, sensitive to other people's hurt and not add hurt to the wound and so on. So what if you get the best result in the world and your friends whom you always thought are friends hated you?? Will the results bring any happiness to you? You've lost the whole world because of your attitude.

This year i truly understand the meaning of being looked down upon. At first i felt so dejected and disappointed when people whom i thought are my close friends uttered those kind of hurtful words to me. Never in the world had me imagine listening to all these words from my friends. I've cried till i have no tears, angry till i cant even see the person eye to eye and i even thought of scolding that person to get lost in front of me. Maybe i'm too sensitive or maybe they didnt realise what they've said is actually causing hurt to me, but as a friend, you should know what to speak and what not to speak. But when i think further, if i continue acting that way, does that make me similar to those who have caused hurt to me?

I choose to keep quiet because i do not want to cause any further arguments. I do not agree with you but it's your mouth, not my mouth. I have no control of what you say but please be more sensitive to others. You may have caused hurt indirectly and when people is trying to stand up after so many falls, you are literally breaking that person's leg so that he has no chance to stand at all. I do not like talking to you because every sentence you speak, i smell sarcasm. You maybe a very bright student, with teachers praising about your wonderful results, but you're still a normal being in God's sight.

My results may be sucky and laughable in your eyes and i may not achieve those kind of results like yours but So what?? There is more to life other than just getting excellent results. I'm not in your league and i dont want to be in you league too. I want to be a person who will laugh and cry with my friends, working hard together to achieve our dreams. I dont want to be like you. I may seem to be a failure in your eyes because of my results but i think i'm the most blessed person on earth. I have my family and friends that pray for me when i'm down, cheer me up when i cry and most importantly never looked down on me even when i fail.

Maybe you've never experience failure in your life while i have experienced failure after failure. Doesnt matter. I believe the one up there has the best plan for me and He has his purpose in wanting me to experience failure. I will not give up till i get what i want in life. Dont worry, i've immune myself to these kind of words and nothing you say in the future will be able to hurt me. I will not drop a single tear because it it not worth it to cry for someone who has no place in my heart.

Lastly, thank you for all your hurtful remarks. You've done a great job in breaking me but its going to end here. Hope you are able to find a true friend who can take your sarcasm, criticism and ego. All the best to you!!

Ahhhh, i feel so better after ranting it all out. Sorry for this kind of post, just needed an outlet to vent out my frustration.

Failure does not shape you
The way you respond to failure shapes you

To my friends who are facing similar problems, JIA YOU!!! WE CAN DO IT!!!


  1. Sab, I know exactly what you mean! Results don't matter, as long as you've tried your best. And it is ok to rant out for feelings once in a while. Most important is that you have God in your heart and your know that he has a plan for you. A Plan to prosper you and not harm you, a plan to give you hope! I trust that you will reach your dreams sab. :)

    “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." -Dr Seuss

  2. Lolx haha. Well, ain't that the truth? It happens EVERYWHERE. Not only in school, but in work place too. Went thru a similar phase during my secondary days, but heck I don't care. Maybe cz I'm a guy =PPPP

    Anyways, you keep working hard the way you are now. Altho yes it's nice to score, but even after trying your best, sometimes tak boleh means tak boleh la. It's just that some people don't get it, and they think everyone must have the same reuslts as them and bla bla bla.

    Continue to do your best, for God sees YOUR heart. Even tho they do well now, they may not do well later (not that I'm cursing them =D). But yeah. God knows the effort you have put in, and as far as I know, God NEVER.DISAPPOINTS. ;)

    Ps: Liked the way you used the "A" word in this post without hesitating. I would too. XDDDDD
